Hi! I am Rachele Riley—a graphic designer and visual media artist living and working in Greensboro, NC (USA). This site features the work of my students. If you wish to see my art and design work, please visit my portfolio site. I have been teaching since 2007. I have a M.F.A. from Virginia Commonwealth University School of the Arts (2005), a Vordiplom in Kommunikationsdesign from the Burg Giebichenstein Kunsthochschule Halle in Germany (2001), and a B.S. in Studio Art from New York University (1994). Currently Assistant Professor in the New Media and Design program at the University of North Carolina Greensboro, I try to impart strong conceptual and visual skills to my students—as well as a critical mindfulness about their work and about the world. In my teaching, it is important to expose students to various methods of making and designing, and to support them as they develop an individual experimental process and form their own voice. I encourage students to make imaginative and inventive work—that is personally- and culturally-significant.